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Pastoral Search

As a community rooted in faith and driven by a shared mission, Northside believes this journey is both a pivotal and a sacred endeavor. We invite you to join us in prayer and participation as we seek the individual God has prepared to lead our congregation in Jackson, TN.


Forming A Search Team

Our search process began with the formation of a dedicated search team. This team, composed of church members and leaders, was selected for their spiritual maturity, diverse perspectives, and commitment to the church's mission. The team is responsible for guiding the search process, reviewing candidates, and making recommendations to the church board.

Prayer & Discernment

Central to our search is a deep commitment to prayer and discernment. We believe that seeking God's guidance is paramount in finding the right leader. The search team and congregation are encouraged to pray regularly for wisdom, clarity, and unity throughout this process.

Defining The Role

A comprehensive pastoral profile is being developed to outline the qualities, qualifications, and responsibilities of the new lead pastor. This profile reflects the needs and aspirations of our church community and serves as a guide in evaluating potential candidates.

Screening & Interviews

The search team will conduct an initial screening of candidates to identify those who best meet the criteria outlined in the pastoral profile. Selected candidates will be invited for interviews, where they will have the opportunity to share their vision for Northside Assembly and answer questions from the committee.

Final Selection

After a period of prayerful consideration and feedback from the congregation, the search committee will make a final recommendation to the church board. The board will then make the official decision and extend an offer to the selected candidate, pending a vote from the church membership.

Receiving Applications

We will be actively receiving applications from potential candidates. Interested individuals are encouraged to submit their resumes, along with a cover letter and any relevant supporting documents, via the link below. The search committee will review all applications thoroughly.

Congregational Involvement

We value the input of our congregation in this important decision. Once the search committee has narrowed down the candidates, the church will have opportunities to meet and engage with the finalists. This may include sermons, Q&A sessions, and informal gatherings.

Welcoming Our New Pastor

Upon acceptance of the offer, we will prepare to welcome our new lead pastor to Northside Assembly. This will include a formal installation service and a series of events to help our new pastor and their family integrate into the church and community.

How Can You Be Involved?

  • Pray: Please join us in praying for wisdom, discernment, and unity throughout this process.
  • Stay Informed: Check this webpage and our church communications for updates on the search process.
  • Participate: Attend meetings and events where you can meet the candidates and provide feedback.
  • Encourage: Support the search committee and candidates with words of encouragement and affirmation.