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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question that we haven't answered here? Click the link below to ask our staff!
What time does church start?
Our Sunday service begins at 10:30 am. We also have childcare available for children from ages 6 weeks to 12.
We also have a midweek service every Wednesday at 6:30 pm.
Where is Northside?
Our church is located at 27 Oil Well Rd. in Jackson, TN. We're about half a mile from Hwy. 45 Bypass.
Is there nursery or childcare available during services?
We offer childcare during every service for infants to age 12. We have age-appropriate programming and ministry for all age groups.
How do I join the church or become a member?
Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend a service at Northside. You do not have to be a member to attend. However, if you do seek membership, we ask that you take our 4-week Next Steps Course. There, we will explain the steps to becoming a church member.
What does Northside Assembly Believe?
Northside Assembly is a partner of the Assemblies of God fellowship. We adhere to the core doctrines of the church. You can read the full details on the "What We Believe" page.

Is there a dress code?
Dress is as casually or as fancy as you want it to be. We just want you to feel comfortable.
What is Sunday service like?
A typical service will last about 75 minutes. We'll have a time of worship to start the service, and then we will hear from a pastor preaching from the Bible. We'll always close the service with a time of prayer and blessing over everyone.
How can I make a donation or contribute financially to the church?
To pay tithes or donate to the church, click the link below to give to any fund you choose. You can also give in person during services or mail your gift via cash or check.

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30am.